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Clinical Depression is a common condition, and How to Overcome Depression and Loneliness

In today’s society, most people have pessimistic and negative thoughts in their minds. It involves our national, social and personal circumstances. Better lives are lived by those who manage to shake these thoughts from their minds and get rid of them, but this is not the case for everyone. Therefore, most of the people suffer from clinical depression after being defeated by negative and pessimistic thoughts.

According to the World Health Organization, 45 to 50 million people are suffering from some mental disorder. It is a modern mental and neurological disease. Which affects people of almost all ages. Most of the victims of this disease are people from developed western countries. Those who live in a situation like hopelessness, worry and anxiety.

The situation of mental illness is shocking and disturbing. Almost half of the population are suffering from it. This disease is so common that clinical depression is not considered as a disease in our country. If any of you are suffering from this disease, consult a doctor in time.

clinical depression
Depression is a common condition, and How to Overcome Depression and Loneliness

What is Depression?

Due to mental confusion, anxiety, lack of sleep, sudden shock, news of grief, loss, excessive wakefulness, restlessness, etc., sometimes the quality of despair and heartbreak comes over a person. This is called depression. This disease is spreading rapidly in the society and prominent in people whose brains produce too little of a certain chemical.

clinical depression
Clinical Depression is a common condition, and How to Overcome Depression and Loneliness

Causes Of Severe Depression

Depression is a mental health condition characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in daily activities. Various external factors can contribute to its development:


The deliberate use of violence and fear can create a pervasive atmosphere of anxiety and despair, impacting individuals’ mental well-being.

Riots, Suicide Bombings:

Events involving widespread violence and acts of terrorism can lead to a sense of vulnerability, triggering or exacerbating depressive symptoms.


Job loss or unemployment can contribute to feelings of worthlessness, financial strain, and a loss of purpose, all of which may contribute to the onset of severe depression.


Persistent economic hardship and a lack of resources can create chronic stress, fostering an environment conducive to the development of severe depressive symptoms.


Personal conflicts and disputes, whether interpersonal or societal, can significantly impact mental health, potentially leading to severe depression.

Load Shedding:

Disruptions in basic services like electricity can contribute to a sense of instability, affecting daily life and potentially worsening depressive feelings.

Growing Sense of Insecurity:

A pervasive feeling of being unsafe or under constant threat can contribute to heightened stress levels, potentially triggering or worsening severe depression.

Understanding and addressing these underlying causes is crucial for developing effective strategies to prevent and manage severe depression in individuals and communities.

Symptoms of severe Depression

Symptoms encompass a range of emotional, cognitive, and physical manifestations:

Loss of Interest in Activities:

Individuals may experience a significant decline in interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities, leading to social withdrawal.

Frustration, Getting Angry for No Reason:

Heightened irritability and unexplained outbursts of frustration can be indicative of the emotional distress associated with severe depression.

Fantasy Mood, Irritability:

Fluctuations in mood, characterized by periods of intense fantasy thinking and irritability, may be observed as part of the emotional upheaval accompanying severe depression.

Being Constantly Sad and Worried:

Persistent feelings of profound sadness and excessive worry, extending beyond typical emotional fluctuations, are hallmark features of severe depression.

Constant Feeling of Mental or Physical Fatigue:

Individuals may experience pervasive fatigue, both mentally and physically, even after adequate rest, impacting daily functioning.

Committing Suicide:

In extreme cases, severe depression may lead to suicidal thoughts or behaviors, necessitating immediate attention and intervention.

Considering Others as Superior or Inferior to Oneself:

Distorted perceptions of self-worth, such as viewing others as vastly superior or inferior, may be indicative of depressive cognitive patterns.

Repeatedly Regretting Past Mistakes:

Excessive rumination on past mistakes and a persistent sense of guilt are common cognitive symptoms associated with severe depression.

Loss of Sleep and Hunger:

Disruptions in sleep patterns, including insomnia or excessive sleeping, as well as changes in appetite, leading to significant weight loss or gain, are common physical manifestations of severe depression.

Recognizing these symptoms is crucial for early intervention and effective management of severe depression. Seeking professional help is recommended for individuals experiencing these signs or for those concerned about someone exhibiting them.


Major Illnesses caused by Depression

Regarding mental illnesses, one thing that needs attention is that mental illnesses can lead to physical illnesses as well.

Clinical Depression is a common condition, and How to Overcome Depression and Loneliness


A gastrointestinal condition characterized by open sores on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, often caused by factors such as bacterial infection or prolonged use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


A chronic respiratory condition marked by inflammation of the airways, leading to recurrent episodes of wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and coughing, often triggered by environmental factors or allergies.


A pain or discomfort in the head or neck region, with various causes such as tension, migraines, sinus issues, or underlying health conditions.

Blood Pressure:

Refers to the force of blood against the walls of the arteries. High blood pressure (hypertension) can contribute to cardiovascular issues and is often influenced by lifestyle factors like diet and exercise.

Heart Diseases:

A broad category encompassing various conditions affecting the heart, including coronary artery disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias, with risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and smoking.


A chronic metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood sugar levels, resulting from inadequate insulin production or inefficient use of insulin, and associated with complications affecting multiple organs.


A group of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells. Cancer can occur in various organs and tissues, and risk factors include genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices.

Nervous Diseases:

A broad term referring to conditions that affect the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. Examples include neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and various neurological conditions affecting movement, sensation, or cognition.

How Can Depression and Loneliness Be Eliminated?

It is not easy to get rid of mental disorders and shake them from the mind, but by following the following guidelines, its effects can be minimized as much as possible.

1.  Depression is mostly caused by laziness and idleness, so keep yourself busy as much as possible.
2.  Arrange massage, walking, yoga, worship, especially prayer, it gives mental and emotional peace.
3.  Share your feelings with someone you trust, it makes you feel better.
4.  Try to change the environment and circumstances.
5.  Try to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning. Pray and read the Holy Quran regularly and           then do light exercise so that your whole day is free from thoughts and worries.
6.  Depression gets worse during free time, so take part in extracurricular and recreational activities as much       as possible so that you can relax mentally and physically.
7.  Adopt a hobby of film, music, sports, especially study and don’t forget to smile. Don’t hang your mouth on         trivial things but smile more and more with this little effort you can avoid the attack of depression.


If your depression is severe, you can be treated with psychotherapy and consult with a psychiatrist. Despite following all these methods, if you suffer from depression, anti-depressant drugs can be used on the advice of the doctor.

In conclusion

overcoming depression and loneliness requires a multifaceted approach, considering both individual and societal aspects. Recognizing the prevalence of pessimistic thoughts in today’s society, it’s essential to address the root causes and symptoms of severe depression. External factors like terrorism, unemployment, and a growing sense of insecurity contribute to the development of this mental health condition.

Understanding the symptoms, ranging from loss of interest in activities to considering others as superior or inferior, is crucial for early intervention. Mental health issues, such as depression, can also have significant physical repercussions, leading to conditions like ulcers, asthma, and heart diseases.

To combat depression, proactive measures can be taken, including staying busy, engaging in activities that bring emotional peace, and seeking support from trusted individuals.

Lifestyle changes such as proper sleep, regular exercise, and a positive environment can contribute to mental well-being. Additionally, adopting hobbies, practicing mindfulness, and smiling more often can help alleviate depressive tendencies.

In more severe cases, professional intervention, such as psychotherapy or medication prescribed by a psychiatrist, may be necessary.

It’s crucial to recognize the interconnectedness of mental and physical health and prioritize both aspects for a comprehensive approach to well-being. Overall, breaking the cycle of depression involves a combination of self-care, social support, and, when needed, professional guidance.

clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression clinical depression 




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