Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeHealthFlu and Cold - 7 Home Remedies

Flu and Cold – 7 Home Remedies

Runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, cough and sneezing are all symptoms of flu and cold. The flu is often the result of inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nose, sinuses, and throat. These problems are usually caused by viruses. When your immune system is weakened, such as in the early days of a cold, you may already have a cold.


Here we will go in deep about all symptoms and their treatment:

Flu and Cold

What is Runny Nose or Nausea

A runny nose is a common ailment that most of us have experienced at some point. It can be caused by a variety of factors and can range from a mild annoyance to a more serious health concern. In this article, we will explore what a runny nose means, its causes, symptoms, and how to manage and prevent it.

Understanding a Runny Nose

A runny nose, also known as rhinorrhea, is a condition where the nasal passages produce excess mucus. This excess mucus can lead to the discharge of a watery or thick fluid from the nostrils. It is often a sign that the body is working to remove irritants or infections from the nasal passages.

Causes of a Runny Nose


One of the most common causes of a runny nose is allergies. Allergens such as pollen, dust, pet dander, and certain foods can trigger an immune response, leading to a runny nose.


Viral and bacterial infections, such as the common cold or sinusitis, can cause inflammation and increased mucus production, resulting in a runny nose.

Environmental Factors

Exposure to environmental factors like cold weather, dry air, or pollution can irritate the nasal passages, leading to a runny nose.

Symptoms and Signs

Aside from the obvious nasal discharge, a runny nose can be accompanied by other symptoms such as sneezing, congestion, and a scratchy throat.

Flu and Cold

What is Sore Throat ?

A sore throat, often referred to as pharyngitis, is a common medical condition characterized by discomfort, pain, or irritation in the throat. It can make swallowing or speaking painful and is typically a symptom of an underlying condition. Sore throats can be caused by various factors, including viral or bacterial infections, environmental factors, and irritants.

Common causes of sore throat include:

Viral Infections:

The common cold and flu are frequent culprits. These infections can cause inflammation and irritation in the throat, leading to a sore throat.

Bacterial Infections:

Strep throat, caused by Streptococcus bacteria, is a well-known bacterial infection that can result in a sore throat. It often requires antibiotic treatment.

Environmental Factors:

Exposure to dry or polluted air, smoking, or allergens can irritate the throat, leading to discomfort.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD):

Acid reflux can cause stomach acid to flow back into the throat, leading to irritation and a sore throat.

Excessive Strain:

Overusing your voice, especially if you are shouting or talking loudly for extended periods, can lead to a sore throat.

Sore throats can vary in severity, from mild discomfort to severe pain. The treatment for a sore throat depends on its underlying cause. Mild sore throats may improve with rest, hydration, and over-the-counter pain relievers, while bacterial infections may require antibiotics. If a sore throat persists for an extended period, is accompanied by a high fever, difficulty swallowing, or other concerning symptoms, it’s important to seek medical attention to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

Flu and Cold

What are Water Eyes ?

Watery eyes, also known as epiphora, refer to a condition in which a person’s eyes produce an excessive amount of tears, leading to a continuous overflow of tears down the cheeks. This can be uncomfortable and may be caused by various factors, including both environmental and medical reasons.

Common causes of watery eyes include:

Environmental Factors:

Irritants like wind, smoke, dust, pollen, or foreign objects can stimulate the production of tears to flush out the irritants and protect the eyes.


Allergic reactions to substances like pollen, pet dander, or certain foods can lead to watery eyes as part of the body’s immune response.

Dry Eyes:

Paradoxically, dry eyes can sometimes cause watery eyes. When the eyes are not adequately lubricated, they may become irritated and produce excessive tears as a reflex response.

Blocked Tear Ducts:

If the tear drainage system is blocked or partially obstructed, tears may not drain properly, leading to watery eyes.

Eye Infections:

Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), can cause watery eyes along with other symptoms like redness and discharge.

Eye Strain:

Prolonged periods of reading, using digital screens, or straining the eyes can lead to excessive tearing.

What are Coughing and Sneezing ?


Coughing is a natural reflex that our bodies use to protect our airways. It’s like a built-in defense mechanism. When something irritating, like dust, smoke, or extra mucus, gets into our throat or lungs, our body sends signals to our brain. In response, our brain tells our body to push air out quickly to get rid of the irritant. Coughing can also happen when we’re dealing with respiratory issues like a cold, the flu, or allergies.


Sneezing is another reflex, but it’s more about protecting our nose and upper respiratory tract. When something bothers our nose, like dust, allergies, or germs, our body’s response is to get rid of it fast. We take a deep breath and then forcefully blow it out, along with the irritants, through our nose and mouth. Sneezing helps to keep our nasal passages clear and prevents harmful stuff from going deeper into our airways.

Both coughing and sneezing are ways our body looks out for our respiratory system’s health. They usually happen when there’s something harmless in our environment or when we have a minor infection. However, if you find yourself coughing or sneezing a lot, or if you have other concerning symptoms along with them, it might be a sign of an underlying health issue. In that case, it’s a good idea to see a doctor for a check-up and advice on how to manage it.

Home Remedies

With these 7 home remedies you can get rid of flu and cold in 24 hours

Medical experts have compiled a list of these tips to get rid of your cold symptoms within 24 hours. Through which you can get some relief from the severe pain of flu sitting at home and in case of severe health problems you can get consultation from the doctor.

Take a Hot Shower

Waking up in the morning with a stuffy nose is very annoying. A good way to start your day is to take a hot shower every day. The steam from a hot shower will help make breathing much more pleasant for you.

Start the morning with a Healthy Breakfast

After your morning hot shower you will freshen up, then it will be time for breakfast. Before you start preparing your usual breakfast, for example muesli with yogurt and a hot cup of tea or coffee, try drinking some berry syrup first.

This syrup will boost your immune system and it will fight the viruses in your body. Doctors recommend taking two spoons of berry syrup three times a day. After taking the berry syrup, have a snack of food that really fills you up, like eggs, and tea instead of coffee. Eggs fight infection because of the amino acids in your body, and tea has a soothing effect, especially if you add a little honey to it.


A little later in the day it will be time for lunch. If you have a really bad flu and cold, you might not feel like eating much lunch. A good option would be to have a mug of hot chicken soup, something light with banana or chickpeas. These foods are light but contain good, soluble fiber, protein and potassium.

Don’t let yourself get too tired

When you have the flu and a cold, it’s not the time to run a few miles or pull an all-nighter on a big project. It’s time for you to rest. Allow yourself to heal, and give your body the energy to heal.

Flu and colds deplete vital energy your body needs to heal and potentially increase the time it takes to recover.

Medicines can help you as prescribed by your doctor. Early symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, and bone pain can be treated with pain relief only by a doctor with better treatment. Self-medication can be dangerous. Remember, doses for children vary based on their age and weight, and children under 18 should not be given aspirin. This can cause a serious condition.

Avoid Cold and Humid place

While it’s a myth that you’ll get sick when it’s cold outside, it’s true that bacteria and viruses thrive in cooler temperatures. So if you’re battling flu and colds, it’s best to stay warm and dry.

Get plenty of Sleep

In the first 24 hours of flu and colds, you should get as much sleep as possible to give your body a chance to recover. Try not to watch your favorite shows or stay up late on emails. Go to bed and get a restful sleep.

Drink plenty of Fluids

Staying hydrated is one of the best solutions for your body as your immune system prepares to fight off flu and colds, so water, caffeinated teas, drinks, and sugar-free drinks are best. They can help relieve dehydration caused by fever. Also, hot tea with lemon and honey can relieve phlegm, sore throat and cough.

When flu and cold lasts more than 24 hours.

If your flu and cold do not get better after 24 hours, you can consult a doctor. Many conditions (eg flu, strep throat, bronchitis) have similar symptoms. But while your fever, cough and sore throat may feel the same.

But each condition has a different treatment, and this can be confusing. When it comes to flu and colds, starting an antiviral medication within the first 48 hours can lead to a shorter and milder illness – so it’s important to act fast.

Do a doctor consultation online and book an appointment with the doctor instantly. Early treatment can make you feel better faster and prevent you from spreading the virus to others.


In conclusion,

dealing with the discomfort of flu and cold symptoms, such as a runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, cough, and sneezing, can be a challenging experience. Understanding the underlying causes and symptoms of these issues is essential for effective management and prevention.

A runny nose during flu and cold symptoms, often caused by allergies, infections, or environmental factors, signals the body’s response to irritants and can be managed through various means. Sore throats, stemming from viral or bacterial infections, environmental factors, or excessive strain, may require different treatments depending on their severity and underlying causes.

Watery eyes can result from environmental factors, allergies, dry eyes, blocked tear ducts, eye infections, or eye strain. Identifying the root cause is key to finding relief.

Coughing and sneezing, while typically protective mechanisms, can also indicate underlying health issues when persistent or accompanied by concerning symptoms. Seeking medical advice is advisable in such cases.

For those seeking home remedies to alleviate flu and cold symptoms within 24 hours, a regimen including hot showers, nutritious meals, rest, avoiding cold and humid environments, staying well-hydrated, and consulting a doctor if symptoms persist beyond 24 hours can provide relief and potentially expedite recovery.

In cases where symptoms persist beyond this timeframe, consulting a doctor for early treatment is crucial to ensure a faster and milder illness, as well as preventing the spread of the virus to others. Overall, understanding and managing these symptoms is vital for a quicker and more comfortable recovery from flu and colds.

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