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HomeHealthIron Deficiency Anemia – Important Symptoms

Iron Deficiency Anemia – Important Symptoms

What is Iron in Body?

Iron deficiency can manifest in various symptoms, such as hair loss, extreme fatigue, recurring infections, swelling in the tongue, yellowing of the skin, leg syndrome, and cravings for non-food items.

Iron Deficiency

Iron is an essential mineral in the human body that plays an important role in various body functions. It is an important component of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. Iron’s primary function is to bind oxygen in the lungs and transport it through the bloodstream to tissues and organs, ensuring the oxygen supply necessary for cellular respiration.

Role of Iron in Hemoglobin

In addition to its role in hemoglobin, iron is also an important component of myoglobin, a protein in muscle cells that facilitates the storage and release of oxygen for muscle contraction. Iron is involved in various enzymatic reactions that contribute to energy production, DNA synthesis, and proper functioning of the immune system.

Iron Deficiency

The body maintains a delicate balance of iron levels, as both iron deficiency and excess iron can have negative health effects. Iron is obtained from dietary sources, and its absorption is regulated by the body based on its current needs. A balanced diet that includes sources of iron, such as red meat, poultry, fish, beans, and green leafy vegetables, is essential to maintain optimal iron levels and support overall health.

Iron Deficiency and Symptoms

Iron is an essential vitamin that plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our hair and improving our overall physical well-being. Hair loss is a normal occurrence, but excessive shedding may be attributed to a lack of vitamins in the body. Additionally, fatigue and swelling of the tongue can also result from iron deficiency.

We can address the deficiency of many vitamins by maintaining a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. Natural foods are rich in vitamins and are vital for enhancing both our physical and mental health. If you are also experiencing iron deficiency, consider reading this blog to learn about some unusual symptoms.

We are aware of the changes that occur in our body due to iron deficiency.

The Role of Iron:

The primary function of iron is to transport oxygen in the blood to every cell in the body. Iron is a crucial component of haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Without sufficient iron, the body cannot produce oxygen-carrying cells.

Menstruating women and pregnant individuals are more susceptible to iron deficiency. Having an adequate amount of iron in the body is vital for disease prevention and overall health.

Iron Deficiency

Hair Loss due to Iron Deficiency:

While losing a certain amount of hair daily is normal, excessive shedding without proper regrowth may indicate an iron deficiency. Iron, as a mineral, plays a significant role in maintaining health and well-being. Insufficient iron levels can impair various bodily functions.

When there is an inadequate supply of oxygen to the hair, it can lead to hair loss.

Extreme Fatigue:

Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency because it signifies that your body is struggling to deliver oxygen to your cells, leading to a feeling of tiredness and impacting your energy levels. Individuals with blood or iron deficiency often experience lethargy, weakness, and difficulty concentrating. While fatigue can be a symptom of various conditions, persistent tiredness may indicate an iron deficiency.

Recurring Infections due to Iron Deficiency:

Iron plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy immune system. In cases of iron deficiency, individuals may experience recurrent infections. Red blood cells play a vital role in transporting oxygen to the spleen, where the body fights infections, as explained by Dr. Murr. Additionally, red blood cells carry oxygen to the lymph nodes, which house infection-fighting white cells. A person deficient in iron may not produce enough white cells, resulting in weakened immune responses due to insufficient oxygen, making them more susceptible to infections.

Swelling in the Tongue:

Changes in your tongue, such as pain or swelling, can indicate iron deficiency. Cracks on the sides of the mouth are also common in individuals who lack sufficient iron.

Yellow Color due to Iron Deficiency:

Iron deficiency can lead to yellowing of the skin. Hemoglobin, which gives the skin its pink color, is affected by low iron levels, resulting in a yellowish complexion. When the iron content in red blood cells is depleted, it causes a change in the skin color. Regardless of your skin tone, abnormal eye color may also be attributed to iron deficiency.

Leg Syndrome:

Some individuals frequently experience leg pain and fatigue. Iron deficiency is associated with restless legs syndrome, a disorder characterized by a strong urge to move the legs, often making it difficult to sleep.

Non-Food Items:

Individuals experiencing iron deficiency may develop cravings for non-food items, such as clay or chalk, a condition known as pica. Consuming these non-food items can be harmful as they release toxins in the body and interfere with iron absorption.

If you suspect that you are exhibiting these symptoms, it is crucial to consult with your doctor immediately for a proper examination.

In Conclusion,

iron plays a fundamental role in various bodily functions, serving as a crucial component of haemoglobin and myoglobin. Its primary function is to transport oxygen to cells, ensuring proper cellular respiration and supporting overall health. Maintaining a delicate balance of iron levels is essential, and a well-rounded diet, including sources like red meat, poultry, fish, beans, and leafy green vegetables, is crucial for optimal iron levels.

It can manifest in various symptoms, such as hair loss, extreme fatigue, recurring infections, swelling in the tongue, yellowing of the skin, leg syndrome, and cravings for non-food items. Recognizing these symptoms is vital for timely intervention and proper treatment. If you suspect iron deficiency, seeking prompt medical attention is essential for a thorough examination and appropriate management.




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