HomeWell-beingSex & RelationshipMasturbation: Misconceptions, Myths and Facts

Masturbation: Misconceptions, Myths and Facts

Misconceptions about Masturbation:

When masturbation is brought up, a majority of people immediately seek forgiveness and attempt to distance themselves, treating it as a major sin. In reality, masturbation is a means of experiencing self-pleasure.


Dispelling Misconceptions Surrounding Masturbation

There exists a prevalent misconception about masturbation within society, where many view it as an immoral act. However, the perspective of professionals in the medical field differs significantly.

Masturbation and Feelings of Guilt

Numerous individuals experience guilt associated with masturbation, primarily due to societal and moral pressures. Consequently, despite it being a common human experience, many individuals deny or refuse to acknowledge it.

On the contrary, those in the medical field argue that if an action poses no harm to oneself or others, it cannot be considered a crime. If feelings of guilt persist, it is recommended to seek guidance from a psychologist.

Masturbation Is Deemed Harmful to Health

According to the American researcher Kinsey, approximately 70% of married men with a degree masturbate at least 24 times a year. One prevalent misconception surrounding masturbation is its perceived detrimental impact on physical healthโ€”claiming impaired vision and reduced male potency. However, extensive research on young men indicates that does not have any adverse effects on health.

Masturbation’s Alleged Link to Premature Ejaculation and Male Impotence

Common sexual issues among men include premature ejaculation and male impotence. Contrary to popular belief, research suggests that masturbation is not the cause of these conditions. Instead, it is considered an effective remedy for treating them.

Becoming Addicted to Masturbation

A widespread belief is that individuals who engage in masturbation may become addicted to it. If your daily routine remains unaffected, it implies that you are not addicted. However, excessive engagement prompts the need for a healthy lifestyle change. In such cases, maintaining involvement in positive activities and regular exercise can naturally mitigate its effects.

Masturbation and its Impact on Married Life

There exists a common misconception that individuals addicted to self-pleasure are destined for failure in marriage. This perception is entirely incorrect because, due to natural shyness, people often experience challenges reaching orgasm with their partners, particularly under mental stress.

Engaging in self-pleasure can contribute to psychological strength, genital awareness, and the establishment of relationships on a stronger foundation.

Myths and Facts

This is one of those topics that most people find uncomfortable discussing. Thus, many myths go unchallenged and even some of those people who practice masturbation on a regular basis arenโ€™t sure whether it’s good or bad, healthy or unhealthy.


Myth: If Someone Claims They Don’t Masturbate, They Are Lying.

Facts: It’s true that a large number of people including male and female alike masturbate, but it would be inaccurate to suggest that this is the case for everyone. A 2010 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior found that between 67 and 94 percent of males have engaged in at least one masturbation.

Just 43โ€“67% of respondents said they had engaged in masturbation in the previous month. The figures for females were lower: only between 21 and 43 percent said they had masturbated during the past month, whereas between 43 and 85 percent said they had done so at least once in their lives.

Myth: Masturbation Causes Insanity.

Facts: The long-held belief that masturbating causes mental illness is unfounded. The only people who experience mental distress from masturbation are those who feel guilty about it or are concerned that it goes against their cultural or religious beliefs.

Myth: Physical issues including impotence, penile curvature, blindness, or hair growth on the palms of your hands can be brought on by masturbating.

Facts: Masturbation carries little danger and no negative consequences, unless rubbing causes chafing. Masturbation does no damage. Given the high proportion of both sexes who confess to masturbating, if the practice was detrimental, it would appear that most individuals would have hair on their hands or be blind by now.

Myth: If you masturbate when you are in a relationship, it means something is wrong with your relationship.

Facts: Whether or not they are in a relationship, some people like masturbating a lot. The one moment when you don’t have to worry about performance anxiety or guilt about whether your spouse is enjoying sex is during a masturbation. Masturbation may even improve your sexual life by teaching you what you enjoy and dislike, which you can then tell your partner. When there are differences in the degrees of sexual desire between partners in a relationship, masturbating might assist ease some of the pressure to have sex. Furthermore, some find it quite sexual to masturbate together.

Myth: Teens who engage in excessive masturbation may become hypersexual and exhibit other abnormal sexual habits.

Fact: It’s common to masturbate. According to 2011 research published in JAMA Pediatrics, “masturbation is integral to normal sexual development.” Researchers discovered that youths who engaged in relationship intercourse were more likely to use condoms when masturbating. The authors also cite a number of additional research that have discovered a link between later-life good sexual encounters and masturbation. Teens can explore their sexuality through masturbation without running the danger of becoming pregnant or contracting an STD.

Myth: Too Much Masturbation” Is A Real Thing.

Facts: There is no Real Thing as such. As indicated by the McKinley Wellbeing Center at the College of Illinois, “Experts concur that there are no physical or mental ramifications for successive masturbation.” The exemption for this is that assuming masturbation turns into a fixation and obstructs day to day working, connections or school/work execution.

Myth: There Are No Medical Advantages

Facts: There are health, social, and mental benefits to masturbating. It helps relieve premenstrual tension in women because it stimulates blood flow to the vaginal region. It can relieve stress and encourage relaxation. Additionally, masturbating can teach people more about their body and what makes them feel good. It can help men who ejaculate too early control their condition. It provides a sexual outlet for those who don’t have a partner or don’t want to have sex.


Things to Rememberโ€ฆ.

that excess in any aspect of life can lead to health problems. Balance is the true essence of health and beauty. Disturbance in this equilibrium can mar its beauty.

Masturbation is about self-pleasure, but it doesn’t imply that one doesn’t need a partner. Allah has created the human body with a natural inclination towards a partner. While masturbation may offer temporary benefits, the true essence of intimacy is only realized with a partner and cannot be overlooked.




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